Tatsu and computers
November 04, 2001 - 8:19 p.m.






*twitch* Dude. You know what's really annoying? Seeing something you've been /really/ waiting for, and not being able to get it yet. See, my mother's on the older computer (we have...let's see...one, two, three...four...five...six...Yes, six computers in the house, and they're all named. The one I'm on is the 'Newest' computer. The one that I usually use which isn't quite as fast but nice anyway, is the 'Older' computer, though it really isn't that old. The third one in the room is the 'Crappy IMac'. Not just the 'IMac' but the 'Crappy IMac' beacuse really, no matter how use-friendly they are, they really are crappy for anything but sound and film editting. The fourth is the 'Upstairs' computer, for obvious reasons. It's really old and slow. The last two are the 'Shack' computer, because they're in my dad's office, an add-on to the house that looks like a shack, therefor the name, The Shack, and my dad, ShackBoy. Go figure. ;P)...anyway...I got side-tracked again, didn't I? Oh. Right. So my mom's on the older computer, and that's the computer with my ICQ on it, and I left it on (on N/A, of course) and I can see that someone just added me to their list, and I know who it is, but I can't get to the computer and I've been waiting to get a hold of him for, like, at least a month. I know, I know, it really isn't that long, but it's Tatsu, for cryin' out loud! I havn't talked to him since...well, since that evil camping trip to Vernon. I hate camping. With a passion. Though I'm sure I've mentioned that multiple times before.

Heheh. I never cease to amuse myself. I just started watching myself type again. It's truely amazing...wow...I'm impressing myself...again...

Dammit! I wish my mother would stop writing her letters so I could talk to Tatsu! I miss him, dammit. I really wish I could find the ring he gave me, but I fear it's lost forever. Did I mention? I took it off at Freeze Off to massage someone, and put it on a table with my watch and my other ring, and I woke up the next morning and it was gone. I found my other ring and my watch, though. I don't think anyone stole it. The people I was staying with didn't strike me as the shady types, and no one had expressed interest in my ring besides the girl who was wearing a toe-ring with the exact same pattern (she was very impressed and took off her sock to show my the ring, and I, in turn, was very impressed)...

Yay! She's off. So I wrap this up and go o'er there...dammit...I can only be on for fifteen more minutes...and it's her fault I was up so damn early this morning...

She made me defrost the freezer this afternoon even though it didn't need defrosting. There was only a slight film of ice on the top half of the freezer...ah well. What ever.

Anyway, I change computers. Ta-ta.



