Just another day...
November 10, 2001 - 8:48 p.m.






Mmm. Listening to some beatiful classical music right now. From the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack, the newer one (I think, not sure). It's really pretty. But music like this, especially music tied to Shakespeare always makes me emotional...ah. It ended. Yay! Time for the next one!

This one is /definately/ from the new one. When Dove's Cry. I think I accindentily downloaded the remix of it. It's still very beautiful in a techno sort of way...No. Wait. I think this is how it is in the movie. I kind of remember this part. When Romeo and Juliet get married. Lovely, lovely movie. Very well done. I was quite impressed, dispite the fact I do not like the image that Leonardo DiCaprio had been getting. He's kind of dropped out of the movie business lately, hasn't he? Well, I certainly havn't seen him in a movie for a while...oh, he did that 'The Beach' movie that apparently was a terrible copy of the book...a pity...I hate when movies do that...apparently Harry Potter is going to be reasonably accurate to the books...I certainly hope so; I'll be extremely irritated if they change it too much. Don't mess with a good thing, that's what I say.

It's Ed's birthday party tonight. Couldn't figure out what to get him, so I'm just making chocolate square things. One thing I know how to cook is desserts. I'm great dealing with sugar, but try me with a savory course and you'll either come out with something that hardly has any taste, or is spiced into next week. I find my cooking perfectly fine, but my mother tends to not be able to stand it...Desserts, though, I can do, probably because my mother required all the children to bake cookies or cakes in turn for the family as far back as I can remember...

Guess what I just found out...Yup. That's right. Nick is back in town. Ex-boyfriend who changed his name and moved to Switzerland Nick. I can't say I'm sorry to hear it, because I'm not, I'm just kind of...uneasy. Why? I dunno. I suppose you'd be uneasy two if an ex whom you had an extremely rocky soap-opera-ish relationship with, and who changed his (or her) name and moved to Switzerland, came back to town. Especially a city this size. We've got about 10 000 people here. I know, I know. I hear you goin' "Holy crap, that's puny!" but it's the only place I've ever known. I grew up here, so to me, this is a big city. Just ignore the fact that nearly every surrounding city is considerably bigger, and we'll be all fine. ;)

So ya. Nick's in town. I wonder if he still reads my diary...

I should go check on the dessert I'm making for Ed...I hope I see Mike tonight...I'll have to head down a little bit early so I can swing by Subway and see if he's working...

Yes. Yes. I know. I'm a bit smitten here. I like the guy, alright? Quite a bit, in fact. He's a dear thing, really, but next time I'm really gonna make him shave. My nose is still slightly sensitive. Damn stubble burn. ;)

I go check on dessert. Brb.


It's almost set. I should go finish it...But I just started RPing with someone on Harper's Tale...Dammit. I hate doing that, even if I do it all the time. Start RPing then cut off, like, three poses in to it...Ah well. I'll stick around a bit then head out because I need to get dressed before I head out to Ed's party.

Yeah, yeah. I know. I havn't gotten dressed yet. In my lounging clothes. But I've been doing important stuff all day, really!...Can't remember what, but it was certainly important. ;) Oh yes. I managed to get my hands on a tiny spool of linen thread, just enough to wind fourteen bobbins with a bit of thread. Not a lot, but enough to do a dampler. Speaking of which, I'm going to go email Lady Vicari. So I run. Ta-ta. :)


