The prettiest cat in the world
November 16, 2001 - 12:31 p.m.






Happy happy birthday,

From all of us to you!

We wish it were our birthday,

So we could party too!

...Quick! What movie is that from? (I've had that damn song running through my head ever since Bitty was singing it.)

History class is a freaking waste of time. Seriously. The teacher should /not/ be teaching History. Come to think of it, he shouldn't be teaching at all...But the class is easy at it'll be an extra few grade twelve credits, so that's always nice...

...Oh. My. God. I saw the most /beautiful/ cat (no offense meant, Ditto) I have /ever/ seen today. I have never seen a more beautiful cat in my entire life...I suppose you want me to tell you about it now...

Okay. Here's the bit.

It was white. White you say? That's not /all/ that unusual. It's not particularely common, but it's not /terribly/ unusual..Yeah. But this cat was different. This cat was a /long/ haired white cat. How many of those do you see around, eh? /Eh/? Not many I bet. It was gorgeous. A big cat, not your little runt. And it's eyes, oh it's /eyes/! It was the neatest thing. One eye was a beautiful kind of golden earthy green color, and the other was a pure sky blue that if you looked at it just right, it had glints of mauve in it. And it was one of those eager hands. You know the type, the type that just /begs/ to be petted, and jumps up against your hand, and curls up happily in your lap no matter what you're's wasn't the kind that ran at you, though. I called it a couple times before it sauntered over. But seriously, people, it was the most stunning cat I have ever seen. Positively beautiful.

Oh, and I went to drop off Mary's birthday presant. Her house is near the school, so...It was a small tumbler. Like, one of those perfectly round medieval cups. Them. Blue, with celtic knotwork around it. Sure, it was small, but it was nice, and hand made which made it all the better.

Anyway, I'm just wasting time here, and chances are I'll write again later tonight after I get home from school, but right now I'm just dawdling about...

I should run know. I've got class in, like, seven minutes or so...god, and I forgot my book at home, dammit...


