November 24, 2001 - 2:13 a.m.






Have you ever met someone who you /knew/ you were going to be friends with? Like, it was like it wasn't for lack of wanting to be friends, it was lack of opertunity.

That's like with Robin. Or Robin With a Stick, as I like to call him. First time I met him he was walking around with a stick for no apparent reason.

I liked him right there and then. ;)

I mean, this isn't a sexual attraction, or a romantic attraction, though I'm very sure it well could be, but just an attraction, a friendly attraction, like:

"Hm. I want to be friends with you and I'm not taking no for an answer."

Then a:

"Great! I'm not complaining."

First time I met Robin I kinda thought: "You know, I could really like this guy, friend-wise. We could be really good friends."

And then I didn't see him for a long time. I kinda waved uncertainly at him from the bus once, and saw him while I was with a mutual friend once, but I never really spent any time with him.

...until tonight!

I went with Dylan over to his house and seriously, it was instant first name basis. I mean, most people I meet I call 'Hey you' for the first little while until I get used to them, but I remembered and used his name right off, and he did mine, and it was just like /yes/. I need more friends like this. It was nice to have an Insta-Friend.

Insta-Friend: abbreviation of 'instant friend'. An insta-friend is someone who you meet and become friends with without any question or doubt and you feel like you've known them forever. Often you don't remember exactly where and when you met the insta-friend, but you feel like they've always been around, and they always will be around.

It's great. I'm all fuzzy inside... Wait. It's still that hampster I ate. Bummer.

But yeah. I hope I get to hang out with Robin again. It was really nice. (Ah, gotta live geeks. ;P)

Anyway, cold, tired, hungry, I go.

Adieu, my friends, 'til we meet again.


