Rosie likes talking about herself in third person
December 06, 2001 - 11:33 a.m.







Rosie's belly hurts.

Rosie hasn't finished her period yet.

Delightful, isn't it?

Rosie likes talking about herself in the third person.

Guess what happened to Rosie in History class today?

That's right. Sydney saw a mouse under the teachers desk. The jocks in Rosie's class jumped up and chased it round and round the room, trying to catch it.

Sydney was afraid and clutched her bag and sat on her desk.

Rosie thought it was kind of funny.

Adele missed it because she was getting her grad photos done.

Missed the entire thing.

Matt caught it in a garbage can and took it upstairs and put it in the cage.

Rosie doesn't know where the cage came from.

Rosie doesn't really care, because her belly hurts.

Ouch. Rosie's belly is hurting worse again.

Rosie has a docters appointment tomorrow.

Rosie doesn't like docters; she gets upset even when she thinks about them.

Mike phoned Rosie yesterday and told her he had three days off, then asked her to the movie that night.

Rosie told Mike she'd heard the movie wasn't too great, and didn't think she could get money from her parents.

Mike said okay, that was fine, then perhaps he wouldn't go either.

Rosie then had a fight with her mother and asked her dad for money, phoned Mike and told her she changed her mind, then went over to Mike's place. It was pretty close to the time the movie would start anyway.

Mike and Rosie went to the movie, 'The One'.

Just like everybody had said, it was an absoloutely terrible movie.

Like, beyond bad, it was supremely terrible. The special effects were good, but the story line positively /sucked/.

So now Rosie is pleased, because she turned a bad situation into a good one. And Rosie's older brother Martin taped the third wife of Henry VIII for Rosie, because she was going to miss it because she was going to the movie.

So that was nice. After school, after play practice, Rosie is going to watch the third wife of Henry VIII. Tonight is the fourth wife. He had a lot of wives. It's a really good program. I'm glad I started watching it.

Ow. Rosie's belly hurts.

Damn female parts.

And my next period is due on New Year's Eve. Dammit.


