Recognition from drawings...
January 22, 2004 - 5:28 p.m.






Funny thing happened yesterday.

So I went downtown on the bus.

Went to buy a new B pencil from the art store.

Wend around the corner to the alley where the art store is.

Car sitting there.

Bumper half off.


The person waves.

It's Jared! (Or Pitter, if you rather.)

Yay Jared!


"Dude, what the hell are you doing in the alley?"

"Waiting for you." Feral grin.

"That's creepy."

"Yeah. I know. I saw you walking along and thought I'd swing around and say hello."

"Okay, that's not quite so creepy."

"Whatcha doing?"

"Buying a pencil, and heading to Bean Brokers."

"Nice. I'll see you at the coffee shop, then."


Got my pencil (a cheap one, but better than 3H, which I have right now).

Went over to the coffee shop.

Lots of people there, including Dax, Krista, Alesha, Jared, Heather (Jared's woman), a girl from my play analysis class, a girl I met the day before last and her man (both of whose names I don't remember). A couple people I didn't know. Little Jen showed up later with her friend whose name I also don't remember.

Sat with Krista and was shallow talking about delicious males and the Spankman comic I was drawing.

Dax comes and sits with us.

"Can you put me in your comic?"

I thought about it.

Normally my automatic reaction is "No, I don't put people in my comic upon request, but if the inspirations strikes, you will be in my comic."

But then I thought about it, and took a good look at Dax. He's a character unto himself, and positively inspiring, so I told him I'd give him a cameo at come point.

He was happy.

And I thought about it, and I abandoned my comic to do a cartoon superhero sketch of Dax. It turned out to be long and complicated and much fun.

Dax modelled his signature jacket for me so I could get it right.

Heheh. He even showed me his chest hair pattern, so I could get that right.

Anyway, I just pencilled it, and ended up inking it later and cleaning it up. It turned out really good. I'm really happy with it.

But that's not the funny part.

This morning I showed the drawing to Jesslyn and she looks at me kind of funny.

"Does he have dreads?"


"Is he really, really tall? And skinny?"


"Is he black?"

(I didn't really draw that in too blatently, so I was a bit surprised.)

"Yes, actually. He is."

"And the back of his jacket laces up?"

(I only drew his front, so I was surprised again.)

"Yes, it does. How..."

"Ohmygod. Me and Joelle--" Her sister. She's punk-y with dreads and all. "--were walking behind him downtown. And he has this *walk*..."

He does. He's really tall, and looks like he's walking in slow motion because he's so tall, although he's not really.

"...and then when we passed him, he winked at Joelle, and she *melted*."

It was so funny.

I'm going to have to tell Dax he was recognized by my drawing.

I laughed hard on that one. I think he will too.


