A conversation with mom
February 04, 2004 - 7:50 p.m.






*riiing* *riiing*


"Hey, David. Is mom there?"

"Yeah, hang on." Distantly: "Moooom! It's Rooooosie!"

"Hi, honey!"

"Hey mom."

"There's mail here for you."

"Oh, cool. Who's it from?"

"Open Learning Agency, I think. Want me to open it?"

Side Note: I got a scholarship and tried to do a home college English course, but, naturally, I didn't do it. Thus, no more scholarship. But at least I tried.



It was a tax receipt.

"Hey, Rosie, did you ever pick up your scholarship from the NDTC?"

"Yes, remember? That's what I used to pay for that course that....I never....did..."

"Oh, right. And that's why we're not paying five hundred dollars of your tuition next year."

"You know, mom, you don't need to keep reminding me about it. I'm fully aware of that fact that I owe you that."

"I don't do that!"

"Yes you do! Monthly!" (Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but at least twice every three months. At least.)

"You're wrong, Rosie. You need to wake up and take a look at reality."

I hate how she always tells me I'm out of touch with reality. She even told me once that she was going to relish the day I realized what actual life is like.

Anyway, so that conversation ended really fast, me trying not to be nasty and her talking way too lightly and carefree.

Makes me want to not go home.


