Tea with Jared....or not.
February 06, 2004 - 3:20 a.m.






So I'm sitting on my couch, eating toast this evening.

Because that's what I do at night.

Sit on my couch. And eat toast.

And I was thinking:

"Gee, this toast kinda sucks. But Denny's has food. Maybe I'll go to Denny's. Maybe I'll phone *Jared* and see if he wants to go to Denny's with me."

So I'm still eating my toast. And the phone rings.

"Is that my phone ringing, Jesslyn?"

"I think it is."




"Hey, Rosie. What's up?"

Anyway, to make a long story short, it was Jared. Asking me if I wanted to go to Denny's. I laughed, and then explained why. He got a laugh out of it, too.

So I go to Denny's, just in my work clothes, because I had to go back to the shop at 10pm anyway, so I figured why not.

Figuring it was just going to be Jared, and he doesn't care.

But I should've known better. One of these people tend to attract a whole pile.

So I get there. And already there's Dax, Drew, Little Jen, her friend whose name I can't remember, Crimson, and Jared. Then Danielle and Kurt show up. Then Drew's lady and his baby son show up. And then Paul and some guy I didn't know shows up.

So we got this huge lot of people there, mostly goth-types, or pseudo-goth, and I'm sitting there in paitn covered jeans and plain. Paint covered plaid.

I couldn't help but laugh.

I tried to talk Jared into coming help us paint, but he didn't. Poopyhead.

Oh well.

At one point, me and Jared were bantering about something, and there was a lull in the conversation, and he, so quick I'm not sure it actually happened, kissed his fingertips and pressed them just above my left eyebrow.

It was strange. And cute. I had nothing to say to it; I believe I just grinned stupidly, maybe even blushed a little.



PS, All men should own at least one black turtleneck. Men in black turtlenecks are *hot*, even mock turtlenecks.

PPS, Jared was wearing one. Jared was hawt. He took a picture of himself on my camera, so maybe I'll be able to scan it. We'll see. Depends on how it turns out, eh? ;)
