A gathering of events
June 08, 2004 - 1:17 a.m.






A long day.

A long night.

Much of it spent in the theatre.

And away from my house.

I like that.

It made me happy.


I miss Mike.

It's times like this I would phone him and he and I would take a walk over to Mowhawk, grab some juice, or a Jones (I really liked the fufu berry kind, he varied).

Just arm in arm.

I don't like holding hands. Never really have.

But I like slipping my hand into the crook of his elbow.

I like that a lot better.

It's much more comfortable.


Today, I saw Ben, a little down the street.

Side note: Ben I've seen around town for ages, but never really *met* him 'til last week. Long story.

So, keeping with tradition (I don't know if I mentioned the whole start of this, but maybe I will one day), I wiggled my breasts at him.

And he, with a look of utmost bliss upon his face goes,

"Oh, Rosie!"

Clutched his chest, drops to his knees and crumples to the ground.

It was the most amusing thing I'd seen all day.


Brennain is back in town!

Brennain, *and* Mystica, *and* their son Karedoc!

*And* (get this) I think they're back together!

It's amazing.

I hope they're sticking around to stay.

Mystica apparently has been in town for a month, and is living out, about an hour away from Nelson.

Which is probably why I haven't seen her.

But she looks and sounds just the same.

(And she's got really cute freckles.)


I have bad gas, and I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. Yay!


