Torn and torn again
June 29, 2004 - 6:25 p.m.






I got a sweet little kiss from Loren after he drove me home from karaoke on Sunday.

Just a little one. I liked it, though.

I did tell myself I was going to forego the whole damned dating thing this summer...

I don't know.

I'm trying to refrain.

Mike's coming in to town tomorrow!

It will be good to see him again.

It might mean I have to cancel with Loren tomorrow night, though.

I'm torn.

Hey, theatregeek. Can I get your opinion on this one?

My options are:

1.) Keep date with Loren. Go out with him after rehursel. Let Mike come in to town and settle down without me there. Contact him the following morning.

2.) Break date with Loren, possibly reshedualling. Meet Mike (exboyfriend of, wow, we broke up nine months ago) pretty much the moment he gets into town. I *think* he's coming in about 10pm. That's what I've heard.

3.) Flip the bird at the world and have a T3 line wired directly to my brain, then become a hermit in the woods somewhere and never bathe for fear of shot circuiting.

Oh! I just got word that Mike is trying to make it into town tonight.


Still, if it comes to be that he's coming in tomorrow, what should I do?

I'm torn.


