Why do I do this to myself? Such a complicated life!
July 01, 2004 - 5:18 p.m.






Oh, oh!

My life is so damned complicated! Why do I do this to myself?

So I spent a *wonderful* night over at Loren's.

Did you know he actually sleeps flat on his back? I guess you can do that when you don't have tits. I told him as much. He laughed.

Me, I sleep on my front for the most part.

Unfortunately for both of us it was exceptionally hot in his room, and he's a furnace himself ("I could fry an egg on your chest!"), and when I'm too hot or in a new space, I thrash.

I wasn't *too* bad last night, as in the sheets stayed on the bed for the most part, but I think I kept him awake. I will have to apologize.

It's always hard getting used to sleeping in a bed with someone else again.

Speaking of men, I'm trying to figure out a way to tell Mike about Loren.

I mean, I don't *have* to. It's not a duty or anything, especially because Mike and I have been broken up for nine months now. But I think it's respectful.

Mike might not appreciate the fact, but he'll probably grudgingly appreciate the gesture.

I think.

I don't know.

I'm going to the movie with Mike tomorrow night, and apparently he's been looking for me today (so says Vurn).


I told Colleen about the whole mess and she's got all stressed out for me.

But I'll deal. I guess.



PS, It'll help, I think, if I avoid being too physically affectionate towards Mike.
