An encounter with a Capitol Theatre ghost
July 06, 2004 - 2:31 p.m.






There are ghosts in the Capitol Theatre costume department.

I'm certain there are. They've been giving me little frights when I've been working in the costume room. Just out of the corners of my eyes, I think I see someone go by, but no one's there.

Allison agrees with me. It happens to her, too.

The creepiest one was I was in there by myself, fitting a costume onto a dress dummy. I was half-turned away from the door, and I had my earphones in.

The song I was listening to came to an end and there were those few seconds of silence and I distincting heard a woman's voice say:

"Holy shit."

And I thought someone (wearing dark blue or black; dark colours anyway) walked behind me and was looking at the costume I was putting together.

I jumped, naturally, and turned around, but there was no one there. I looked around the costume lab, but nothing, no one.

It was creepy.

I got frightened a couple more times that day, but that was the worst.

I told Allison about it, and she was surprised, because she always thought the ghost in the costume lab was a man (and he was in the storage area, not the office/construction area).

But she told me that when they tried frightening her, she'd ask them nicely to stop.

So I tried that, the next day. I got scared a couple times, so I said out loud:

"Hey, guys. Please, enough with the scaring. I really gotta work."

I mean, it's a bit informal, but it seemed to do the trick.

About an hour later I thought I caught a glimpse of someone walking by the hat racks, so I said:

"No, seriously. I really gotta work."

And I haven't been bothered since. Not yet, anyway, though it's only been a couple days.

But when I'm in there by myself, I make sure to say hullo and goodbye and anything significant that I'm doing or disturbing.

And so far I haven't had anymore scares, but it sure makes me believe in ghosts. :P


