A quick post about writing and stuff
August 18, 2006 - 11:16 a.m.






Man, looking back, observing my life, it's weird.

It's like a book.

I'm like a book. (Kind of squareish, interesting to some people, deathly boring to others, spouting words that don't always make sense together...Okay, maybe not.)

I see chapters of my life close behind me, and I can't do anything about it.

I feel one closing on me now.

As I prepare to move to Calgary, I'm wrapping up all the loose ends I have around here. There are some threads that tie me to Nelson that are too strong to handle in Calgary, so they will be cut, or else keep drawing me back into a closed chapter.

Sounds weird, doesn't it? But it makes sense to me.

And that, my friends, is all that matters when I'm spouting these words.

Speaking of words, Martina should update her diary more. It's pretty much the only way I can keep track of her. (HEAR THAT?)

I want to start a writing circle, or something. Something to stay motivated.

I'm going to join NaNoWriMo again this year. I may cheat and use the storyline I've been tossing around since last NaNoWriMo. I know it's against the rules, but it motivates me.

I love writing. I honestly do. I'm just bad about second guessing myself.

I write notes to myself all the time about storylines and shit. I have a whole file of them on the computer (I copy them down from the little scraps of paper I used). Little technical things, emotions I might have forgotten, words I like and want to use. That sort of thing.

Does anyone else do that?

On and entirely unrelated, I unexpectedly fell in love with the Broadway version of Wild Party.

I was all for the off-broadway version, but then I picked up this version cheap on Ebay, and man, it's wonderful.

I want to do it! I want to work on it! (I'd love to be in it, but we all know that ain't happening.)

God. What part would I like to play?

Queenie would be fun, but I'm not the 'beautiful blond' type.

Probably the best friend, or the lesbian. :P

I dunno.

I gotta run!


