Right and wrong
September 07, 2006 - 7:18 p.m.






So Ian got home a couple days earlier than I expected.

The house wasn't TOO bad (by my standards). I'd cleaned everything but the kitchen, in which I had recently baked a cake in, and my art stuff in front of the tv.

He cleaned the whole kitchen, top to bottom, and took out the garbage even though it wasn't full (I suspect because I'd started reusing grocery bags as garbage bags, and he's the needs-'real'-kitchen-garbage-bags type).

He cleaned off the dining room table (I use the term 'dining room' loosely, because it's really just a corner of the livingroom), and set up two plates with PAPER NAPKINS.

I'm very much against using paper napkins in the home. If you want to get fancy and do napkins (unless it's, like, wings, or ribs, where paper napkins are suggested in my opinion), use REAL napkins. They're not that expensive, honestly, and you can get dark ones that flatter your china. Or what ever.

Or just don't use napkins.

Anyway, he didn't touch my art stuff (thankfully), so I cleaned it up when I got home, although I'd just done a nine hour day.

Now I'm holed up in Tyne's room, because I don't really want to go out there. I think he's home, and I think he has a female with him.

I hope he doesn't blame me for one of his trees looking badly. He told me to water them every day, with a huge mixing bowl full of water EACH (except for the small one in the kitchen).

Well, they're evergreens, and I seriously doubt they needed THAT much water, so I watered them every other day with enough water that it was just starting to leak out the bottom.

Except for the little one in the kitchen. That was planted in a plastic bag (!!!), and he told me just to fill it up with water.

Apparently this kid lived on a farm. He should KNOW you can't do that to plants; it'll rot the roots something awful if the water isn't allowed to drain.

Anyway, I kept an eye on the water level but it barely went down at all. I was a little concerned, and considered buying a pot with drainage holes to plant the thing in, but then I thought:

"Fuckit. It's his fucking plant, and I don't want to waste money on someone I don't particularely like."

Anyway, I did my nice deeds for the week yesterday.


Sitting in the food court at one of the malls, and this elderly gentleman across the walkway from me is fiddling around with stuff. He drops a couple coins and I see one roll towards me, one table over, and bounce to a halt on the leg of the table (which is occupied).

They don't notice. He's looking all around for this coin, but of course he didn't hear it roll.

Now, it was a loonie that got away from him. I'm the first to admit I *like* money. I don't love it, but I do like it. I'm tempted to let him not find it, and I might have if I was poorer, but I wasn't.

I stood, retrieved the coin, and gave it back to him. He was surprised and pleased. I went back to my chair.

"Hey, miss, miss! Come back!"

I went back.

"Would you pick up that copper for me?" The other coin had been a penny.

"Sure!" I did and handed it to him. And he pressed the loonie into my hand with a smile.

"A tip, for you."

Yaaaay for me!


I was walking home, headset in, reading, and I hear something nearby.

I look up. Someone's trying to talk to me.

Now, there are a LOT of homeless people around my apartment building. Mostly because there's a mission nearby that hands out food.

I don't often give change to homeless guys. It really depends on the person, and what I have in my pockets.

This guy looks really apologetic for interrupting me.

"Excuse me, um, I'm sorry for interrupting. I swear I'm not a homeless guy! But I was wondering if you had any change on you I could possibly have? I'm trying to make a long distance call."

He looked clean, didn't look like a homeless guy, and really did look apologetic. I had a bunch of small change in my pocket.

"Hang on, I'll see what I've got."

"Oh, god!" he said. He looked so relieved. "I can't believe you're not being mean to me!"

I laughed. "Well, I just moved here. I haven't turned mean yet."

"Thank you so much!" he said as I dumped a pile of pennies (bad me), nickels and dimes into his hand.

"You're welcome, good luck!"

Those were my good deeds of yesterday.

Admittedly, there was also a rather drunk looking Native American man who approached me, mumbling about change, but I told him I didn't have any.

That was bad of me. I hope I cancelled one bad deed with two good ones.

Later, I thought I should have given the man who wanted phone change the loonie that the other man had given me, and I almost double-backed to look for the guy, but the phone-guy had turned and made off down the street as soon as I'd given him the change, and I wasn't sure I'd find him again.

Who knows.

Who knows what's good, and what's bad?

I just do what feels right to me.


