Anger and happiness
January 29, 2007 - 6:15 p.m.






So. First day working at the Science Center.

I predicted the guy who hired me, Terry, would be cool to work with.

He has curly hair and chunky red-rimmed glasses, and a purple jacket. He's pretty cool.

The Lego guy (oh yeah, we're totally loading out a lego exhibit) is cool too. I can't remember his name.

I like working with Nicki. We team well, even though she's a lot more experienced than I am (her dad's a theatre person, too, so she grew up with it).

An assortment of older men, and one older woman (who doesn't seem to have ever worked on a crew like this before).

And then there's this guy.

I didn't like him pretty much immediately after I met him, a couple months ago.

It was pretty much set during the first call we worked together.

Small crew: me, him, another guy, and the production manager of the little theatre.

We were loading in, and the pieces were built half an inch two tall to get from the elevator area, which had a fine high ceiling, through the hallway, which was narrow and low ceilinged (they were rotating triangle things, so you couldn't just tilt them to one side).

Anyway, the production manager had gone off somewhere for a moment, and I made a suggestion to the two guys of how to get it through the tiny doorway, into the hallway.

"No, no, that won't work," says said loath-ed guy. He proceeds to look thoughtful.

Production manager comes back, and you know what he does?

HE SUGGESTS EXACTLY WHAT I JUST SUGGESTED. (With a couple added words, but is was my idea exactly.)

And you know what?

That's what we do. AND IT WORKS.

I don't bring it up with the production manager, though, because I like to think I'm not petty. The job needed to get done, and it got done, and who really cares whose idea it was, right?

So I work at least one more call with him, in a different space.

And I STILL don't like him.

He reminds me strongly of a guy I didn't like in college.

He's pushy. He tries to speed everyone up, when there's no real reason to go faster than normal. He likes to show off his knowledge. He works to fast, and in doing so, breaks things and squishes fingers.

But he's GOOD at appearing competant. He sucks up to the head of the crew, unless he decides the head of the crew is stupid, and then he tries to take over the crew.

Anyway, so I'm working with this guy today, and I hear the name of a theatre I work at in his conversation with Terry.

So I listen. We're standing in a line: Him, Terry, Me.

So I can't really NOT hear.

And then I realize: he's badmouthing not only the space, the managagement of the space, but also the house crew, all of whom I'm friends with.

And SERIOUSLY badmouthing them.

So I tapped him on the arm and asked him politely to stop badmouthing my friends in my earshot.



I really don't like him now. I'm going to see if I can never work another call with him again.

Anyway, now I'm angry again. I hope this comes up in conversation tonight; I'm going for a beer with Tyne, and Becky (the woman who does the hiring at one of the theatres he works at). I hope Becky never hires him again.




PS, On a lighter note, Terry seemed to notice my dislike for this guy, and never made me work with him during the day. He always paired me with Nicki, which was perfectly fine with me.
