May 10, 2007 - 11:06 p.m.






The guy from the previous few entries, Paul...

Well, I think he's totally out of my league. It boggles my mind that he would be interested in me.

I seriously don't understand it. At all.

I was talking to Tyne about my views on such.

"You're crazy," she said, dismissively.


"I said you're crazy. If there was nothing there, you would have dismissed him already. Anyway, you always date lower than your 'league'."

And then we had a short discussion on whether I do, actually, date below my league.

I never thought I did. She thought I totally did. She saw a picture of this guy, not to mention suffered through several gushings on my part.

"Yeah, *this* guy is someone you're totally on par with," she decided.

I remember what she'd said earlier. "What do you mean, I would have dismissed him already?"

"Just that," she said simply. "I know the way you are with guys. You'll get interested, and gush, but pick up within a week whether things will work or not. If you know things aren't going to work, you don't beat around the bush; you just dismiss him. And there's obviously something different about this guy, because you're you are."

I thought about it, and decided she's right. I do tend to pick up quickly on whether things will work.

There's something entirely different about Paul. It's exciting, but terrifying.

I still think he's out of my league. And I still darkly suspect he's playing me.

Damn, damn, damn.

Why does life have to be so complicated?
