A date, flossing, and calligraphy
September 17, 2008 - 7:42 a.m.






Another day, another date, another kiss in the car.

I swallowed my flight instinct and kissed him this time.

I have a very strong flight instinct. It was all I could do to keep from fleeing into the night.


Couldn't tell ya.

Should I trust my gut? I have no good reason to. Except last time I ignored my flight instinct, I got badly burned.


My gums are swollen and sore. I'm trying to get into the habit of flossing.

I hate flossing.


I am supposed to do this scroll for the SCA. A Silver Flute. It's supposed to be done by the 22nd.

I haven't even started it.

When the radio announcer said: "Have a lovely September 17th!" I panicked a little bit.

Okay, I panicked a LOT.

I have to bust my ass on this thing, especially if I want it to be any good.

One of my major hang-ups is that it's going to be early period. I don't know ANY early period calligraphy, so basically, I have to teach myself a whole new hand for this scroll.

Shouldn't be to hard, really, except I'm dragging my heels, terrified to jump right in.


After work today, I'm gonna bust ass. And tomorrow: more ass busting.


