Forks and spoons and wedding bands
November 29, 2012 - 2:53 a.m.






It's 3am, and the snakes have moved in. I'm playin' for four drunks, and me.

But the beer is cold, and the memory's old, and the lights are so bright I can't see.

I wish I could write music. It seems like a perfect outlet. You can convey so much, so much.

As it is, I will just sing other people's music and wish I could play an instrument.


I was at the library today, shuffling through books on metalworking.

And what fell into my lap?

'How To Make Money Using Etsy'

I didn't check it out.


I went to a physiotherapist today, to deal with my leg. She dug into my butt muscle really hard, but it's feeling better.

I don't want to be old before I'm old.

She also prescribed yoga, which I kinda knew already. The community center has it for only six dollars, on mondays.

I'm going to have to go.


Do you know the spoon theory, for energy?

There are days that I feel like I have less spoons than other people.

And some of my spoons are actually forks.

I have dug myself into so many grooves in my life, I don't even notice the walls anymore.


Sometimes my left ring finger tingles, like I've just taken of a ring that I've worn for a long time.

And for a split second I freak out, wondering where I dropped the ring.

And then I remember: I have no ring.

I don't know why it feels like that.

I wonder if in some alternate universe, or many alternate universes, I am married, and it's the echo of that making it's way through.

And I rub the base of the finger with my thumb, but the feeling doesn't really go away.

It only started this year. It's weird.


Fuck I'm tired.

Lonesome, I know you well.


